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Scriptural Matters
the URL for this page can be found going to the seed page
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Usually alphabetical

general resources & newly added & (maybe more)
http://www.biblos.com/==o-bible (w/interlinear)==studylight==search god's word==
Herald of Truth (Bob Halstrum) via Soundwaves2000==Endtime via Soundwaves2000==Soundwaves2000==
Complete Sun and Moon Data==Holiday Origins in America==ken klein (history research)==


Church of God (Sabbath)
Christian Biblical Church of God (cog)== 
Christian Educational Ministies (Born to Win)(old)== 
Christian Educational Ministies (Born to Win)(new)== 
Born to Win daily audio (CEM-Ron Dart)(old)== 
Born to Win daily audio (CEM-Ron Dart)(new)== 
Ronald Dart (CEM)== 
Ron Dart sermons(old)== 
Ron Dart sermons(new)== 
Christian Preaching (incl Dart & links to audio & written stuff)== 
Church of God international (cog)== 
Living Church of God (cog)== 
Key of David (The Philadelphia COG)== 
Philadelphia Church of God (Key of David) (cog)== 
Restored Church of God (cog)== 
United Church of God (cog)== 
Worldwide Church of God (cog)== 

Assemblies of Yahweh== 
Amazing Facts TV== 
Amazing Facts TV (audio downloads)== 
Amazing Facts online== 
Amazing Facts online (lessons downloads A&V&paper)== 
Bible Only  (Bacchiocchi & Noel)== 
Bible Study== 
Bryan Huie - (Here a Little There a Little)== 
Israel's Ekklesia== 
Karaite Korner== 
Keep the Sabbath== 
moses hand== 
NewsWatch Mag==NewsWatch Mag Ed== 
NewsWatch Mag audio== 
Restoring the Truth== 
The Sabbath Research Center== 
The Simple Truth== 
Brother Stair== 
Truth of Yahweh== 
truthseek== truthseek alt== 
United Christain Ministries== 

Israel (as in His people)
Herald of Truth== 
Herald of Truth audio== 
Kindom Identity Ministries== 
Scriptures for America== 
Scriptures for America online catalog== 
Scriptures for America (special subject audio)== 
Scriptures for America (audio/video archives)== 

Bunk Debunk
goto simple truth (asst site is notithe)== 
homestead's rogues gallery & more== 
end time insights== 

endtime==endtime audio== 
End Time Deception== 
end time insights== 


Being sorted
the Ensign Message== 
Gene Scott== 
Gospel Ministries== 
Guilding Light of God Ministries== 
HTML Bible== 
Into His Own (LOTS of good info)== 
Israel of God== 
Last Days Prophecy== 
Lawgiver (ooo)== 
The Lion of Judah== 
Melchizedek Vigilance== 
Midnight Ministries== 
Noahide==No Greater Joy magazine== 
Online Bible==Orthodoxy Today== 
Our Father's Word== 
Patriarch Mag== 
Phil Thompson early church== 
The Present Truth== 
The Prophecy Club== 
Reggie Keith(many scripture related topics)== 
Religious Frauds== 
Sacred Name Bible== 
Scattered Remnant== 
Seeds of Truth==Servants' News== 
Shepherds Chapel== 
Teaching the Law== 
Tent Maker== 
Timelines of History== 
Topical Bible Studies== 
Truth in History== 
Voice of Prophecy== 
What does bible say? (topical)== 
William Cooper (HOTT)== 
Word of His Grace== 

Poo Poo (or might be)
Let Us Reason== 
Deception in the church== 

TBN related
3ABN==3ABN (TV schedule)== 
TBN==TBN (TV schedule)== 
TBN (how to watch)== 
TBN (radio info)== 

Unclean issue


endtime==endtime audio== 
Bible411 (a jewish perspecitve)== 

Les Feldick 1==Les Feldick 2== 

News / current events
Christian Media Daily== 
Countdown to Armageddon== 
the Cuting Edge== 
NewsWatch Mag==NewsWatch Mag Ed== 
NewsWatch Mag audio== 

Bible and Science== 
Bible Study Tools== 
Bible Times== 
Blue Letter Bible== 
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)== 
crosswalk InterlinearBible== 
David Icke== 
goto simple truth (asst site is notithe)== 
maps of the bible== 
no tithe (asst site is gotosimpletruth)== 
Hugh Ross - Reason To Believe== 
Hugh Ross (at christian answers)== 
innvista (source for info on many topics)== 
Reasons (Hugh Ross)== 
STRONG'S reference & more== 
Ken Ham1==Ken Ham2== 
wyatt archaeology== 

Feel Good & Rapture Express
Christian Research Institute== 
CBN (700 club)== 
Focus on the Family== 
Focus on the Family audio arch== 
Point of View== 
Point of View audio arch== 
Rapture Ready== 
Rapture Info== 
Through the Bible (J. Vernon McGee)== 

Answers in Genesis Ministries (questionable interpretation)== 
Center for Reclaiming America (D James Kennedy)== 
Coral Ridge Ministries (D James Kennedy)== 
Coral Ridge Ministries audio (D James Kennedy)== 
Creation Science Evangelism (NOT)== 
Fred Price==Fred Price quotes== 


On-Line Sacred Name Versions of the Bible - click on title

Sacred Name King James Version
The Scriptures (Dr Koster)
World English Bible - Uses 'Yahveh' in the Old Testament & 'Jesus' in the New Testament
World English Bible - Uses English transliteration of the Hebrew names for the Bible Books, prophets & places, but 'LORD' for the Name of God
World English Bible - Uses 'Yeshua' in the New Testament
The Tanach in Hebrew
Click here for List of Bible Versions which acknowledge Sacred Names
More can be found at http://www.revelations.org.za/NotesS-Name.htm

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