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Where is Babylon, the Harlot, of Scripture?

There are many people who draw parallels between Babylon as mentioned in End Times Prophecy and New York City.  The bet is that you never knew that Babylon (a town) and New York where intimately related.  It is rather easy to look at the descriptions of Babylon as a center of commerce and an empirical city.  Surely, New York meets many of the descriptions of the Scriptural Babylon

The following 3 maps start at about 50 miles across, the 2nd at about 5 miles, and the 3rd at about 2.5 miles.  You will notice the red "X" in the first map, which also shows "Long Beach" and "New York", then the 2nd map around the "X", shows the name of the town at the "X" as Babylon.  The 3rd map is a closer view of the same town.


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