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(the content of this thesis / monograph is an abridged study)
These writings are not intended to be a complete telling of these topics, but with a thought to brevity, it should allow for good learning.
Probably no topic or issue can stand alone without consideration for information from other topics and issues.  Therefore, for better understanding of terms and concepts used herein, other papers should be read in conjunction with this paper and others.

1 What is the draft?  Do you know anyone who has been drafted?  Contrary to all your beliefs, you do not know anyone who has been drafted, in the united States of America.

2 Is the draft not the act of forcing a person to work contrary to his will and/or choice?  Or put another way, is it not involuntary servitude?

3 The answer is YES.

4 For some help let us examine some definitions, to wit:

     Draft: to conscript for military service  (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1973)

     Conscript: to enroll into service by compulsion  (Webster's New Collegiate Dict, 1973)

     Conscription: compulsory enrollment and induction into military service  (Black's 5th)

     Compulsion:   an act of compelling  (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1973)
      an irresistible impulse to perform an irrational‚ act (Webster's supra)

     Compulsory: involuntary; forced; coerced by legal process or by force of statute (Black's 5th)

     Compel: to urge forcefully or irresistibly  (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1973)

     Involuntary: without will or power of choice  (Black's 5th)

5 By simple definition, we clearly see that the draft is involuntary servitude.

6 Now consider the Law, to wit:
     Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ... shall exist within the united States, ...
     (Article 13, Section 1 of the amendments of the united States Constitution)

7 This has never been changed, altered or amended.  This is the Law of the Land.

8 There is no draft.  So to repeat - No one you know has been drafted, everyone volunteered.

9 To help explain this, consider the following colorful story.  If you already know you volunteered, then this story may not be as meaningful for you.

One day around the time you reach the 18th year of life, you receive notice to report for registration in the draft.  You were properly educated in a public (government controlled) school, so you know it is the Law that there is a draft and you can be drafted.  So you go register for the draft.

 Some time later, just when you have your future planned, your summer festivities happening, your girlfriend/boyfriend and you have wonderful expectations, you receive a notice to appear for a physical examination, in accordance with your draft registration (Remember the registration?), to see if you are military material.

 Your thoughts immediately scream because you had everything planned, and your being drafted crashes EVERYTHING.

 So you cancel EVERYTHING and report for your physical examination.  You cough and all the other things they (that mysterious "they") ask of you.  Sometimes, they decide you are not military material and send you home - what a relief.  Sometimes, you are just what they want (or close enough) - bummer, your life has ended.

 Being that you passed the physical examination and maybe some other tests, you are sent to room 301.  When you get to room 301, you find many other fresh draftees.  Everyone is complaining about lost summers, missed opportunities and all that neat stuff.

 Eventually the sergeant enters the room and everyone instinctively gives him their attention.  The sergeant gruffly commands everyone to stand straight and in a line.  Then he instructs EVERYONE who is ready to join the military, TAKE TWO (2) STEPS FORWARD.  Everyone in the room takes those two (2) steps and thereby volunteers.

 Yes, VOLUNTEERS.  Remember, the sergeant said for those "ready to join" to take those steps.  Anyone not ready to join, for whatever reason, simply, did not volunteer to join.

 This story might continue with the sergeant approaching a possible recruit who did not step forward and try intimidating him into stepping forward.  He might say “SON, DON’T YOU WANT TO SERVE YOUR COUNTRY?”  If the intimidation works, the possible recruit might step forward and again, volunteers.  On the other hand, if the possible recruit stand his ground and does to succumb to the intimidation, he may be sent to another room.  “Son, we have a way of dealing with someone like you.  Go downstairs to room 201 and wait.  Someone will come to deal with you.”  The other possible recruits in the room think “o boy, we will never see him again”.

After you wait a while another sergeant approaches you and questions your position and may offer you incentives such as greater pay, choices of location, position or such.  If you continue to decline his offers and resist his cajoling, he will tell you to go home.

 The others now recruited, never see you again.

10 In reality, you probably convinced yourself that you were drafted, the moment you received notice to report for the physical examination - to see if you are military material.

11 Nothing in the writings said you were drafted, it could not, because the Law says there is no draft.  In truth, a great advertising scheme (or scam) is promoted giving the impression that there is a draft and you, as well as others, buy it.

12 In reality, after going through the examinations, the government personnel pushed some papers in your direction and said something like "WE need you to sign these papers.".  They did not say YOU need to sign these papers.  What they need and what you need are usually two entirely different things.

13 What about those in the reserves?  When a situation arises they are asked to sign some papers prior to being shipped to the place of conflict.  Check the bottom of those papers (or all of them).  They indicate that your signature constitutes you VOLUNTEERING.

14 Simply because there is no draft, does not mean I may not make you register for it.  While this seems absurd, it is fact.  I may not hang you, but I may make you register for a hanging.  Yes, absurd, but fact.  Hence, it may be legal to make you register for a draft and your evading the registration can be deemed a criminal act.  But a draft is not lawful in the united States of America and your avoiding the draft is at minimum, your duty and right of choice.

15 Besides enlightening you to the knowledge hereabove explained, this writing is
intended to help open your mind/thoughts, to be receptive to new ideas, especially the truth.

>>>> this is not legal advice.  if you want legal advice, get an attorney or accountant (for all the good it will do you)<<<<

April 1996
June 1998
revised January 2004

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